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Voke the e-cigarette with medical approval.

How BAT's new product "Voke" wants to undermine the e-cigarette and what indies against the competition remains to be done. In the shift of forces on the e-cigarette market, another potential size comes into play alongside the tobacco industry: the pharmaceutical industry and the manufacturers of medical products. Corporations like Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline have long seen the sale of their nicotine patches and chewing gum threatened, and have initially tried through extensive lobbying to harm the e-cigarette industry. After this is not very fruitful, the big pharmaceutical companies are beginning to think about getting the enemy to bed and buying independent producers of electric cigarettes.

NJOY, for example, has, as reliable sources report, offers pharmaceutical companies to take over on the table. "Nicoventures," the British American Tabacco substitute for Nictone substitutes in cooperation with manufacturer Consort Medical and Kind Consumer, an independent development company, shows another path: the only apparent self-undercutting of tobacco conglomerates through the distribution of nicotine-containing cigarette alternatives - Money earned with the fabric. This is accompanied by the deliberations of many e-cigarette manufacturers, but more focused on the loophole of the marketing of e-cigarettes as medical products than before. "Nicoventures" was launched in 2010, but it was only this September that it licensed its first product. This is a nicotine inhalation device called 'Voke'.

It has just been licensed as an approved medical device by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) for the English market, but has not yet entered the market. Experts estimate the market entry for the first half of next year. Voke comes completely without heat dissipation and therefore without steam and requires no battery or other power source. It is activated solely by inhalation of the user and thus falls completely out of all e-cigarets regulations. Voke is sold as a cigarette-like pen which is offered in a box the size of a cigarette pack, which also contains 20 refill cartridges of nicotine. The selling price has not yet been fixed. The product will be prescribable by doctors and absolutely public-friendly - and thus a basic alternative to the e-cigarette and also the in-house steam brand, Vype.

The government agency NHS, which covers 90% of healthcare in England, has already signaled its approval and support for Voke. After a successful sales start in England, Voke 'should be available in other international markets as soon as possible. Thus, the product shows a new development in the nicotine market: products which have already taken into account the impending restrictions of steam in public places in their technological development process. Indies have now only the chance to become more innovative and work on making their brands so attractive that they generate brand loyalty instead of curiosity. In my opinion, your great opportunity would be to pick up smokers who are dissatisfied with the results of the disposable e-cigarettes. Because the fact is that almost half of all smokers try e-cigarettes, but only 10% then actually make the complete change. This does not necessarily have to be due to the technology itself, but rather to the unsatisfactory steamer experience with the selected device.

The large tobacconists around the world still mainly distribute tobacco cigarettes, but also optically simulated electric (disposable) e-cigarettes, which leave the nicotine, the battery duration and the price to be desired. Indies, however, have first-class tanks on offer that allow a much greater individuality of steaming. This should be stressed, above all in marketing and communication, much more than is currently the case. At this point it is also interesting for investors who see not only the device itself, but also the liquid as a source of revenue. NJOY is also showing the market with its increasingly exotic liquid options, where there are still opportunities for growth.

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